Feature #104
openFeature #101: Offer CocoMUD's accessibility on Linux
Have an auto-building strategy set for Linux
The updater currently supports only Windows. However, adding a Linux support shouldn't be too complicated. It would require building each version, just like under Windows, but it might provide the same level of accessibility. Furthermore, allowing CocoMUD to update on Linux shouldn't be a complicated task.
Updated by Vincent Le Goff over 7 years ago
CocoMUD was (FINALLY) built on Linux tonight! It required some changes in code, and cxFreeze needed to be built by hand:
- Run on cxFreeze, branch v5.x.
- Pull/merge repository at https://github.com/klensy/cx_Freeze , branch fix_209
- Install and build CocoMUD.
Updated by Vincent Le Goff over 7 years ago
- Checklist item Build CocoMUD under Linux added
- Checklist item Allow the updater to search for Linux pre-packaged versions on the Planio website added
- Checklist item Alter the updater so it can generate and execute a Bash file on Linux (Unix) platform added
CocoMUD now builds perfectly under Linux, and tests prove project viability.
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