Feature #157
closedAdd an anti-idle
Idling out in some games can be taxing. Although we often need a break and can't always "safely quit", some games enforce an "auto idle" setting which will disconnect the player when a certain amount of idle time has been reached (this might have some nasty consequences). Although the use of an "anti idle" is by no means encouraged, like the heavy use of triggers or reliance on timers, this feature will have to be created in CocoMUD.
In brief, an anti-idle would send a "random" command to the server at a random interval of time. The list of commands and the time could all be set in the preferences.
Basically you would enter all commands that could be sent to the server, each command on a line:
look do something say ouch smile inventory eq
Then CocoMUD will select one command out of this list and send it when the "anti idle" is switched on. The user can set a minimum and maximum time of pause between each command.
Let's say the user selected 2 seconds as minimum and 10 as maximum (this is an active idle which games might be able to detect):
When the "anti idle" is switched on, CocoMUD could perform the following actions:
- Wait 3 seconds.
- Send "inventory".
- Wait 7 seconds.
- Send "say ouch".
- Wait 4 seconds.
- Send "look".
- ...
... until the "anti idle" is switched off.
Added by Vincent Le Goff about 5 years ago
Updated by Vincent Le Goff about 5 years ago
- Checklist item deleted (
Add the configuration field or file) - Checklist item deleted (
Add the setting in the preferences) - Checklist item Add a menu item to switch "anti idle" set to Done
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Added in commit 51965cb189a9c50ec469e3e17c3c31e6227b8da4 . The configuration fields weren't added as planned, it will be for a future release.
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Bring #157: add the anti-idle feature